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Malcolm John is the founder of Action for Trustee Racial Diversity. He was previously the External Funding Manager for Harrow Council and before that he was for five years social policy adviser to National Grid Transco advising on community investment and corporate social responsibility. He is currently a trustee of the Association of Chairs and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He was previously Chair of the Young Harrow Foundation and Vice-Chair of Anti-Slavery International.

He has been a trustee of St Christopher’s Fellowship, a social housing landlord, Vice-Chair of Nacro, the leading national crime reduction charity, trustee of Novas Scarman Group and Chair of PATH National which supported black and minority ethnic people into middle and senior management positions. He was also a member of the BBC Children in Need London and South East Advisory Committee.


Our team of volunteers have been meeting since January 2019 and is currently comprised of:

Casey has a real passion for education, technology and community and loves to give back. He would like to see a fair world for his four children where everyone can live and let live. He does not ask for change, instead he brings change. Malcolm has championed for more diversity at the top of organisations, in particular the trustee boards and Casey believes this initiative will help usher in a better and fairer world for all due to a better understanding of all the different cultures we are lucky to have in the UK. Casey knows IT; ATRD needs someone technical and Casey loves to help. Nothing in this world is altruistic! Casey gets great satisfaction from knowing he is helping create a better world for his children, and by implication for all children.

A first-generation Mauritian-British woman born and raised in Epsom, Kandia has a background in brand strategy, marketing and community engagement. With 15 years' experience working across different sectors, she has spent the last few months volunteering with ATRD as part of their Changemakers programme, as well as working as a project manager on the BAFCA programme.

Born in India, educated in the UK and now working in London, Shiva has much experience living in a multicultural environment and values the benefits it brings. He has brought this passion with him when he joined ATRD and combined it with his technical knowledge to suggest new ideas to help further ATRD's causes and reach. In his full-time job, he works as a data engineer and he has brought this experience with him while volunteering with ATRD, where he has assisted in the transformation of the BANOs database onto the website, with a focus on maximising accessibility and productivity for the user.


We aim to provide charities with knowledge, resources, toolkits, networks and specialist advice to enable them to take practical steps to increase the racial diversity of their Boards.